Why Choose Green Laser Pointer for Astronomy
Astronomy amateurs would like to choose green laser pointer as their stargazing and celestial observation tool since green laser can emit an extremely visible beam to human eyes. It can point the star clearly and precisely in the sky.
How to Get a Laser Pointer?
Red laser pointers are the simplest pointers since laser diodes are available in complete 650nm or 635nm laser diodes. There is nothing more than battery, red laser diode and circuit board.
Blue laser pointers are most commonly produced by frequency doubling of 946nm laser radiation from a diode-pumped ND:YAG or Nd:YVO4 crystal. Meanwhile, 450nm blue laser pointers are also available on the open market produced by finished 450nm laser diode. Low powered 460nm blue lasers are also available as presentation tool in various conditions.
Green laser pointer is not easy to get, but usually considered as the most visible tool for presentations. Green DPSS laser converts the electrical energy to 808nm infrared light, and is then fed to a Neodymium crystal which converts maybe 50% of it to 1064nm infrared light. The 1064nm beam is then fed to a KTP crystal which converts maybe 50% of 1064nm to 532nm green light. There has been a long process until finally getting it.
Why Do Astronomy Amateurs Choose Green Laser Pointer?
Not all lasers are applicable for astronomy stargazing and pointer. The precautions show that green laser works very well in pointing stars at night. Human eyes will response to different colors, and our color peak in sensitivity is in the green. The green laser cannot direct toward to your eyes, and has a very narrow beam visible at very long distance for night vision. That is why red laser cannot disrupt your night vision in astronomy pointing.
The atmosphere scatters blue light ten times more than red light. The blue laser is much more visible to human eyes than red. Since 532nm green color is more sensitive, human eyes will be more sensitive than both blue and red lasers. Low powered green laser pointer is always your correct choice for astronomy research and pointing.
What is the Most Appropriate Astronomy Laser Pointer?
People will find that a green laser pointer among 1mW-5mW is not bright and visible enough in astronomy pointing. The beam will shows dim and dark in the sky. On contrary, a high powered laser might hurt retina and bring seriously air crash.
A moderate powered green laser pointer ranges from 5mW to 50mW is enough and perfect for star pointing. The visible beam can pass through the earth atmosphere and reach the targeting objects rapidly. You will have a free view of celestial objects clearly and precisely.
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